(2/2) 5.the right to be read a bedtime story without having to compete with the evening news or EastEnders6.the right to an education without having to dodge bullets at schools7.the right to be thought of as adorable(even if u have a face that only a mother could love)------M. J. 展开全文原微博 Emi岩一
回复@客家男上官: 所以特别爱那个#神的温柔不是微笑#:)因大悲故不住涅槃 原来我们都是太爱自己 太爱别人 也太爱天空 //@楚岩Ji: 转发微博 整夜未眠,听代青塔娜<寂静的天空>,不知重复多少,只知道有个声音在天边呼唤,"快点过来"。想起世间总有人能做到舍弃,抛利禄功名安顿妻女交代后事,一只行嚢,削发为僧。明年我要三进青海,踏遍青海的每一寸土地,骑行青海湖,找到那片归宿。 转发 1907评论 2210 原微博