chocolate: (n) a dark brown sweet food that is made from the seeds that grow on trees in hot countries ball: (n) a round thing that you use in games and sports bar: (n) a place where people can go and buy drinks, especially alcoholic drinks band: (n) a group of people who play music together bag: (n) a thing made of cloth, paper, leather, etc. for holding and carrying things bank: (n) a place that keeps money safe for people back: (n) the part of a person or an animal that is between the neck and the bottom backwards: (n) towards a place or a position that is behind We had a dinner in the restaurant today. We had fish and prawns. We drank Coke and juice. We had deserts and fruits too. They are nice. A, Facts B,Issues C,Plaintiff's arguments in this case D,defendant's arguments in this case E,Court judgement and its reasons F,Legal principle lay down by the court of the case G,Conclusion: What legal principles we have learned from this case 展开全文 The original goal was to confirm that aging is connected with increased sleep problems(confirm). 致金林响法官!我们尽力了,但还是帮不上你!希望你能安心忍受你我所不能改变的,并努力生活得幸福!愿上天保佑你! New words and expressions: cultural revolution. They stretch out their legs like flying squirrels to increase air-resistance. The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy. 寒山一竹是性情中人,10年来很多法律界的网友都陆陆续续去过苏州,去苏州就直奔他而去,从来都是美酒佳肴,一夜欢场。作为一级正统领导干部,他从来不为此厌烦,反而甘之如饴。每次也是饮酒无数,酒不足歌之,总能让人尽兴而归。🔗 网页链接