Always worth to try, and it is ok to fail. Deal with the unknown and go with the flow. Take some risks. There is more to us than we know. Everything will be okay. (图中左边的山峰就是我们rock climbing 的chimney rock. 右边是我们一直环绕的table rock)展开全文
自从昨天在Uris library里面对宛若哈里波特式的精巧古典的Andrew Dickson White library惊鸿一瞥后,今天结束电影后迫不及待的去自习加充电。图书馆控的原型立马显现出来。这里平时24小时开放,透过窗户就能看到山坡下星星点点的光。手机照不出效果,待有时间整理相机照片再发更好效果。展开全文
和Genny小姐看show归来,第一次进到memorial hall,是没有百年讲堂豪华,但也有一种朴质的美。第一部分突然舞团邀请观众上台,一场老爷爷奶奶的improv show开始,欢笑无数,也感叹go with the flow的魅力。今天再次体会到艺术对人精神上起的激励作用。再忙也不能忘了文艺,才是王道。展开全文
"Coke and the Calorie Wars" in today's WSJ is sort of echoing today's Governance class lecture... For Pepsi, the nightmare is "The second-largest selling brand, after Coke but before Pepsi, is Diet Coke." the article: 🔗 网页链接 and the new coke Ad 🔗 网页链接展开全文