Making a movie is surely a complicated course requiring large sums of money and highly professional skills. Whether you like HP or not, the castle of Hogwats School did leave a marvelous impression. The original model is placed here to relive old memories.展开全文
There are millions of teenagers around the world who are genuinely fascinated by Harry Potter, this weird wizard created by J K Rolin. This morning we paid a brief visit to Platform 9 3/4, King Cross Station, the entrance to the magical world in the series.展开全文
The pictures below shows the price tag of a handbag purchased by the other group leader, which cost a substantial sum of three hundred pounds. After confidently explaining to me why this had been a real bargain, she invited me to take a quick look at the bag to share her joy.展开全文
#第二册#@张满胜@Mensu宇翔@叶潇潇律师 关于今天早上讨论的关于定语和状语的问题,@霂霂爱芒果 提供了第一册七十三课的争议例句Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop。我来举出更多的例子说明某些不容易产生争议的情况,下面是a man near a bus stop作为定语的几个例子,希望可以帮助理清!展开全文
Acting on the sole contention that profits are sacred, public companies attempt desperately to earn as much money as they possible can by developing new products and providing better services to customers who can, in the long term, influence the destiny of a particular company.展开全文 原微博
I was instantly fascinated by the huge colorful fish tank placed in the center of Wuyutai Tea Shop. This delicately designed tank, where a group of fish were kept under a round sheet of glass to keep them free from being touched, drew rapt attention from almost all the visitors.展开全文
The more expensive sort of book where countless colorful images are compiled in groups simply to attract readers' attention rather than spread anything of permanent value can be spotted at most bookstores. Yet I highly recommend Book 3 to those with a genuine urge to conquer. 展开全文 原微博
As some of my close customers demanded firmly to continue learning New Concept English 2 right after the Spring Festival, I am currently making a formal request to the manager for a new course covering Unit 3 of the book. Please feel free to come back here for more information.展开全文 原微博