- 手指掐入柳橙皮就能闻到柑橘果香,切开柠檬就会感到垂涎欲滴,新奇士 (Sunkist) 柑橘产品满溢健康精华。新奇士 (Sunkist) 享誉世界,是营养和新鲜的象征。包装美观、易于携带。这也是一次绝妙的感官体验。把它切开,留意它发出的惹人香气。咬一口,感觉柳橙汁从您的舌头汹涌而出的美味。展开全文
- "More people visit public libraries in the UK than go to football matches, theatres or cinemas, put together." ——SCL, 2009
- take cover ppl → New Scientist: Millions of Chinese at risk of arsenic poisoning. 🔗 网页链接
- 'I hesitate to accuse you of being ignoratio elenchi' ——b.j. //@st_pilot: while believing terrorism is more dangerous.
- let me print that out——//@牡蛎叶: 严肃活泼团结紧张//@把肉饼留给我: chin up and carry on
- mu.... mu.... (mo? mio? miu?)
- icon is more than pretty clothes, innit?---"a contemplative Aung San Suu Kyi on a houseboat in Kashmir, India in 1976."
- Boris olympic closing speech, makes me weep. www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19549553
- 放大看。来自这:accidentalchinesehipsters.tumblr.com
- @庄子在伦敦 listen to Pro. Sagan's elucidation on the Cosmos! youtu.be/UnURElCzGc0