-Bonjour,c'est là Le Parc zoologique de Paris?-Oui,et... -Est-ce que vous voudriez employer un hippopotame, bien que je sois amateur,... -...(Silence) 流火的巴黎,一隻河馬流浪在塞納河畔,它的精神找到了迷失已久的波西米亞靈魂,卻沒意識到,它凍餒的屍體哀嚎著、抗拒拋入水槽的運命...展开全文
-Bonjour,c'est là Le Parc zoologique de Paris?-Oui,et... -Est-ce que vous voudriez employer un hippopotame, bien que je sois amateur,... -...(Silence) 流火的巴黎,一隻河馬流浪在塞納河畔,它的精神找到了迷失已久的波西米亞靈魂,卻沒意識到,它凍餒的屍體哀嚎著、抗拒拋入水槽的運命...展开全文
In a separate development, some Buddhists in China's Tibetan areas are now able to openly worship their exiled spiritual leader, the DL, according to RFA. <China resettles two million Tibetans, says Human Rights Watch>🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
In addition, the Reform Jewish movement is committed to working to secure civil rights for gay men and lesbians, including the right to civil marriage. Both the URJ and the CCAR have adopted resolutions in support of gay and lesbian partnerships. Read more: 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
130401-Karl Barth 1962 Time Magazine Interview: Friday, Apr. 20, 1962 Religion: Witness to an Ancient Truth On a hill outside Jerusalem, a carpenter from Nazareth, condemned by t... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布 http://t.cn/zOXAaic)展开全文