Did u see the sky at 5 am in the morning? ! just imitating Kobe's words.lol! yea jogging for over 10 km today but almost 15 mins faster than last time! U know what? seriously i deserve what i already got.im satisfied with myself cuz i paid much more than u展开全文 原微博
今天给P森说我在家就像个babysitter,他说" babysitter means 阿姨 in Chinese right?"我"ah...yes you can say so"(我心想反正我侄女叫我小姨,和阿姨差不多)然后他说"so i wanna you to be my 阿姨" 我擦,顿时就抓狂了!锻炼去~ 回见展开全文
#60 days better me#11点以前上床睡觉,每天至少阅读0.5h,认真护肤,不吃甜品、街边小吃、高油脂重口味食品、多次加工食品,精制面食,除非特别艰难否则每天坚持去gym,保持愉悦心情,宽以待人,严于律己。一直没给自己立过明确的目标,因为Phil两个月的absence,fit body goal如图。