回复@我係大雄: with a pious heart //@我係大雄: share this sentence with dearest group members and hope that we can achieve the final goal as Sylvia hopes...@Lickson-IDEAL@SunnyWong小晴@林_子恩@张昕礽展开全文
"Scholars should avoid the temptation to ask ‘which one is correct?’ and instead ask themselves ‘why are the conclusions different?’" One of the most impressive sentences in SLA course. Actually, we tend to think about the correctness, then we shift to explore the reasons.转发 1评论 0
pete...//@Minnie瞳: oh. my god. we all miss u. peter! //@蓝色草莓AmyLin: 1班的童鞋,Peter啊!!! //@汽艇小屋: 这可是丽飞同志冒着生命危险偷拍的啊~~~~~~~~~~ //@TB-F-antasti-X- :噢噢~~dear peter~~展开全文