#Lawson# 都这个点了才把视频下下来真是对不住大家…………店店在fusion festival的视频。 Capital FM的采访|#FusionCapital - Lawson Buddybounce TV的采访|Lawson chat to Buddybounce TV at Fusion Festival 2014Boun 先发这两个……live视频再等等我= =展开全文 转发 2评论 0
#Lawson# 都这个点了才把视频下下来真是对不住大家…………店店在fusion festival的视频。 Capital FM的采访|#FusionCapital - Lawson Buddybounce TV的采访|Lawson chat to Buddybounce TV at Fusion Festival 2014Boun 先发这两个……live视频再等等我= =展开全文 原微博
"They have been great. Joel and I had to tell our parents that we were quitting music college to do the band,” Ryan said before Joel admitted: “It's their worst nightmare.”安叔你看,人家两个好孩子就这么随了你了。所以lawson里没有一个人是完成了学业的,因为小呆毛好像没有去上大学展开全文
Ryan admits that their parents weren't initially pleased about his decision to drop everything to seek out a career in music, but they have been ultimately supportive.展开全文 转发 1评论 0
Ryan admits that their parents weren't initially pleased about his decision to drop everything to seek out a career in music, but they have been ultimately supportive.展开全文 原微博