刚刚网上浏览,发觉我大爱的《学习要像加勒比海盗》作者James,今年会在北京有个我感兴趣的演讲:July 29 ChinaTest Conference, Beijing, China Keynote : "Software is a Side Effect: Your Real Job is Rapid Learning" 这一定得想办法混进去啊。:)展开全文
答应 @朵朵落 给此书中文版写书评,所以昨天继续读此书,读到P123页 We always look for the potential to fill a gap to create an explanation where none exists or where one exists in less usable forms.特别感动。我联想到创业也是如此,这个世界上有许多机会,找到,并满足客户的需求就对了展开全文
1.方便产品设计师和其他人在家或周末尝试新点子 2.象征着信任。创始人自己说的:A second reason, less tangible but important, is that the open bins and storerooms were a symbol of trust, a trust that is central to the way HP does business.”展开全文
The Accelerated Learning Handbook: A Creative Guide to Designing and Delivering Faster, More Effective Training Programs by Dave Meier 中文版<培训学习手册>,前几天刚拿到英文版,开始重读,把 @拆书帮 的方法也用上了,带着问题去读书,学以致用,今年我的培训将逐步把书里面的理念落地展开全文
The Accelerated Learning Handbook: A Creative Guide to Designing and Delivering Faster, More Effective Training Programs by Dave Meier 中文版<培训学习手册>,前几天刚拿到英文版,开始重读,把 @拆书帮 的方法也用上了,带着问题去读书,学以致用,今年我的培训将逐步把书里面的理念落地展开全文