#翻译擂台# As doors shut in your face during your twenties, you're not just increasingly penned in professionally, but also personally. (哎,这句话略消极哈,只供大家练习用,翻完请一笑而过[doge])展开全文
#政务英语# 和平红利 peace dividend;民生 people's livelihood;无偿援助款 grant assistance;债务减免 debt relief;优惠贷款 concessional loans;贸易援助 aid for trade;道义责任 moral imperative;森林碳汇能力 forest carbon sink;一次能源消费 primary energy consumption.展开全文 原微博
#挑战超难句# A woman with charm finds no man dull; indeed, in her presence he becomes not just a different person but the person he most wants to be. Such a woman gives life to his deep-held fantasies by adding the necessary conviction to his long suspicion that he is a king.展开全文
Here, in the room of my life the objects keep changing. Ashtrays to cry into, the suffering brother of the wood walls, the forty-eight keys of the typewriter each an eyeball that is never shut, the books, each a contestant in a beauty contest…展开全文
#美文吧# The song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth, the poem in the air and the earth; for its words have meaning that walks and music that soars. ——泰戈尔《飞鸟集》展开全文
#甄嬛来相译#周黎明:’Tis better to die with fragrance on a twig,Than be blown into a gust like a fig Pauline D Loh: Rather to die fragrant on the branch, Than to be beaten down by north wind gusts 又来一句,没有上句知名度高,是眉庄说的,你可知~?展开全文
#甄嬛来相译# 周黎明:May the gale that rushes into the blossom,Caress her and ne’er let her be broken Pauline D Loh: May brutal breezes battering the blossom, Cherish her fragility and treasure her, unbroken 上面是一句诗词的两个版本,众小主们可看出是哪句啊?戳图看答案~展开全文
Penny, a pure bred Pug, awaits the start of the World’s Ugliest Dog competition in Petaluma, California, on Friday, June 21, 2013.2013年6月21日,周五,加州佩塔卢马:世界最丑陋犬大赛上,一条名叫“佩妮”的纯种哈巴狗在等待开赛。@法新社(法新社图片/Josh Edelson)🔗 网页链接展开全文
#宗教词汇##7#1.YHWH=tetragrammaton(Jehovah/Yahweh)神的名(不可读,即耶和华或雅威);2.XP=Christ基督(希腊语缩写);3.Emmanuel=God is with us以马内利:神与我们同在;4.Hosanna=Savior和撒那:救世主;5.Abba=Father阿爸父6.Hi-ne-ni=Here I am我在这里;7.Amen=So be it阿门:诚心所愿。展开全文
【挑战超难句】《道德经》中“道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。”该怎么翻译呢?《中国文化典籍英译》将其译为 The Tao that may be called Tao is not the invariable Tao. The names that can be named are not invariable names. 而Achie将其译为 No names can fully express what it represents.展开全文
I celebrate myself, and sing myself/ And what I assume you shall assume/ For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. 我赞美我自己,歌唱我自己/我承担的你也将承担/因为属于我的每一个原子也同样属于你。——from Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman展开全文
On this day 2003-Invasion of Iraq: Baghdad fell to American forces; Iraqis turned on symbols of Saddam Hussein,pulling down his statue and tearing it to pieces.2003年的今天,入侵伊拉克:美军攻占巴格达;伊拉克人开始攻击萨达姆的各种象征物,他们拉倒萨达姆的雕像,将它砸得粉碎。展开全文
On this day 1895-Trial of the libel case instigated by Oscar Wilde began,eventually resulting in his imprisonment on charges of homosexuality.1895年的今天,奥斯卡·王尔德控告(昆斯伯里侯爵)诽谤案开庭。(被告无罪释放,反告王尔德有严重猥亵罪。)最终,王尔德被控为同性恋而遭监禁。展开全文
On this day 1975-Vietnam War: Thousands of civilian refugees fled from the Quang Ngai Province in front of advancing North Vietnamese troops.1975年的今天,越南战争:面对进逼的北越军队,数以千计的平民逃离广义省,沦为难民。展开全文