A great fellowship from Germany for journalists in China: The application process for the “Journalism in the Digital World” fellowship programme has just started. please check out the website: intajour.com for details. @顾磊CMC@伊豆珍珠@Raemin@柴静-记者@财经女记者部落展开全文 原微博
@顾磊CMC@閒士鄭 "In a newspaper, headlines can be lyrical, imaginative, off the wall. They can retain an air of mystery. On the internet, a different approach is required." a great piece about writing/editing for the web 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
the fire alarm woke me up at 2am in my hotel in Hamburg, i had to walk the stairs down from the 8th floor in my pajamas, only to find 20mins later that it was a false alarm!!! I felt so close to death for the first time in my life! But impressive that the police came so fast展开全文 原微博