谢谢翻译,良心帖啊//@仓渣渣: //@ViridianAzzurri: 谢谢翻译,原文对照赞(>人<;)宝钻帮助理解角色,那姑娘看到的应该是铠甲模式的瑟大王//@Kleine-Sieben: My day with (some) of The Hobbit cast! 【李佩佩出现部分翻译 你们应该已经看过另一个GN的选译了~看在我逐字逐句翻译的份上,别嫌弃我发晚了展开全文
We were greeted by a man named Phil (Really really realllllly awesome guy) , and a security guard. The security guard brought us into a little hut thing and said “Alright, well we’re gunna have you guys sign a few confidentiality papers. In my brain, I was l🔗 网页链接