在出道20多年後,細數創作出來的無數首動人作品,大哥@李宗盛 終于在2006年,于臺北小巨蛋舉辦了個人的第一次大型售票作品音樂會。以臺灣為首站出發的《理性與感性》,遍足了臺灣、香港、北京、上海、新加坡、馬來西亞等地,場場爆滿,座無虛席。 Sense And Sensibility 🔗 网页链接展开全文
How many kings step down from their thrones? How many lords have abandoned their homes? How many great have become the least for me? And how many gods have poured out their hearts to romance a world that is torn all apart? How many fathers gave up their sons for me?展开全文
Thank Him for delivering me such an attracting soccer match with many @e-北科大青年 in this beautiful sunshine afternoon. You are both the best teams as every performers on the court share us with the heart-beating penalty shoot-out, fatastically. There is no losser at all展开全文
#2013北京秋季房地产展示交易会#Thanks Greek lawyer's twins daughters coming from Nanjing for attracting eyes, bringing fresh new teenager girls topics, like BBQ, learning Chinese, attending Beijing's UNIV next year, and sharing their fantastic family life photos in Athens. @赵晓展开全文
#潮闻天下#西伯利亚虎如何在中国防暑降温?在俄罗斯适应了冰天雪地的生活,来到中国的西伯利亚虎只好舔冰块过暑假了。As temperatures soared in China, these Siberian tigers knew how to stay cool in the weather - by licking a huge ice block.
听@陈金保 老师讲过@杨小凯 老师的一些故事,十分敬仰他作为基督徒的看见,如不是英年早逝(很可能是被提走的)他可能会拿诺贝尔经济学奖。@Daniel delivered a lecture about the #Source of Culture Difference#, telling us the Christianity is influencing western world so much.@晓小天天天展开全文
#Image Denoising#goes beyond the evident applications it serves. Being the simplest possible inverse problem, it provides a convenient platform over which image processing ideas can be tested and perfected. How to preserve features as much as possible while eliminating noise?展开全文
#Gospel#那报佳音、传平安、报好信、传救恩的,对锡安说:“你的神做王了!”这人的脚登山何等佳美!How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" @赵晓展开全文
英国#心智资本与幸福#(Mental Capital and Wellbeing)报告,建议我们:第一,经常与他人联系、保持健康的人际关系;第二,培养业余爱好、坚持适当的运动;第三,留心周围的环境、发现生活中的美丽;第四,不断地学习、保持一颗向上的心;第五,乐于奉献,为邻里和社区多奉献。#幸福才是最根本的货币#展开全文