Transcript for a golfer's course:(CBS News) A golf lover's dream. What if America were one big golf course (高尔夫球场)? Steve Hartman met a man living the dream "On The Road." O... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布展开全文
Transcript for terror attack on the street:....word tonight of new arrests after that vicious act of terrorism on the streets of London. again fair warning these images are diffic... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布展开全文
CO2 in the air:The climate is especially worrying. U.S. government scientists working at an observatory on the big island of Hawaii reported today that the concentration of carbo... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布展开全文
这篇很长啊,你听懂了多少?transcript for the surrogate mother video:...go to India for inexpensive labor (生产。。。真心是一种labor啊,有没有。), and it turns out American coup... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布展开全文
好恶心,吃饭时看到这条 //@早DD: #早D笔记# 形容一个人很臭的描述: She always smelled of spaghetti sause and the stuff that gets caught in bathtub drains. She stank worse than the little cakes inside the bathroom urinals. --《PERFECT MATCH》好吧,真的是能想象得到的臭展开全文