莫扎特写给堂妹的信: You have to come here or else. That way I can spank your rear , kiss your hands, shoot my rifle from behind, embrace you, hose you down in front and in back.展开全文 转发 1评论 0
莫扎特写给堂妹的信: You have to come here or else. That way I can spank your rear , kiss your hands, shoot my rifle from behind, embrace you, hose you down in front and in back.展开全文 原微博
最恨你们这种无良总监了!让我们这种不会百度谷歌的新翻情何以堪! //@肝旺霍格拉斯_喷卜思妮_息嗔: 其实刚才这人又问了一句:请问:If not enough time, this rendering remains like it is now!,这又怎么翻译好呢,更愁了 //@馒头喜萌: low掉了~更高级的问法是"这个有没有固定译法?"展开全文