球先生是大暖男QAQ//@小咿子: 唔,现在看IPLAYER不能,呜,之前球先生圣诞给我寄了电子贺卡,说又到了滑雪假期哈,感动。//@吖蚊Flora: 還記得和David Ball一起看的Video嗎?那時David還說Actually I was surprised by the fact that he speaks English so well.@一撇来玩了@小咿子@Bintao-C展开全文
Exactly, life is such a bitch just enjoying fucking it.. it's just tough sometimes.. And we'll all be fine. I'll be here waiting for you, it's greaaat learning Econ here in London actually!!!! Just fuck Edexcel and OCR first!!!展开全文