It has been said that an SM staff/employee lost the USB containing EXO's new album demos. But there's also this Kfan who heard that SM sent the songs to Source Copyright Association and there the song were hacked. Now SM is in a state of emergency due to the leaks.展开全文 原微博
【SM,现代汽车携手制作专辑】特别是SuperJunior银赫,少女时代孝渊,Shinee泰民,SuperJunior-M henry,EXO KAI,鹿晗等6人参与的Veloster主题曲‘MAXSTEP’于17日PYL Unique Show现场公开预告视频 并于秋后通过UTB及SM音乐频道公开(PYL Unique Show 10月17日 Central City 8:00PM-10:30PM150分钟)展开全文