By contrast, Angelina Jolie proved herself to be a real star of "excellence in both performing skills and moral integrity" by double harvests in both the acting career and charity activities.安吉丽娜·朱莉用自己在演艺事业和公益慈善事业上的双丰收,证明自己才是真正“德艺双馨”的明星展开全文
liju 文联/摄影家协会 “德艺双馨”优秀会员。He was chosen as excellent member with good reputation of behavior and skills by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and China Photographers Association in 1997 and 1998 respectively展开全文
/空间无比深沉:这事已经被国际媒体当作奇闻报道了。很不幸国外读者的评论跟公知几乎一个腔调。一米国读者的评论If you look at the picture, any western engineer would be appauled shocked at the lack of rebar. Same reason the earthquakes killed so many school children. Shoddy construction展开全文