City By the Bay: "1 day if I do go to heaven..., I'll look around and say, "It ain't bad, But it ain't San Francisco." Words by Herb Caen and picture by Rayeality above the tide.展开全文
同事领养了Puppy for Diabetic! 训练后的Labrador能机敏地嗅出患糖尿病一型的主人在低血糖(hypoglycemia)时的细微气味变化,从而提早预警!领养还可以减税!高热量高脂肪害了不少美国人,善待动物却救了不少人,x个代表能代表什么?刘IronMan连狗都不如,21万江诗丹顿无表哥一个魂也回不了!展开全文
What a great morning: just shake Bob Mansfield's hand when he shopped at our store, with his 2 sons. just like us: grabbing a coffee in the morning, extremely down to earth t-shirt, blue jeans..., strong hands by the way! 展开全文 原微博
比同类早发现Misfit的Shine, 比纽时早一年发现Warby Parker, 美国萧条后的复苏是创业者大刀向电子商务中间商头上砍去后夺回来的! 足够的技术和生存快感让美国的life-style company把其他的e-commerce抛在巴士下, 戴尔没了,但Warby bus tour goes on, 上车的有J-Crew和美国运通的4千2百万, 卖眼镜喽!展开全文 原微博
Self assessment on Rayeality: His content tastes like coke: hella dark but kinda sweet, can lift up the spirit and can exhaust and drain up the energy. Next Step: gluten-free and get Highway 1 farmland dark. 展开全文 原微博
短短两月不经意间发现了Courage化身:JD高叔叔和诺奖刘Wave, 天才之后A胡子,连国语粤语都讲不好的村委书记,南洲下菊花女,从高薪到潦倒,不同个体用非BAO-LI的行为诠释courage: 呛杆子里出不了勇气,吃饱穿暖出不了勇气. As real courage, is the courage to be kind, to be lawful facing lawless.展开全文 原微博
Rayeality:53% vs 46% Obama stayed safe in hamilton's Cincinnati, a win in a room will lead to a win in a block, a town, a city, a county, a state, a nation, and thank you Ohio! Thank you for not letting history roll back! Fire up, get to work! 展开全文