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    Rayeality:53% vs 46% Obama stayed safe in hamilton's Cincinnati, a win in a room will lead to a win in a block, a town, a city, a county, a state, a nation, and thank you Ohio! Thank you for not letting history roll back! Fire up, get to work!
    俄亥俄:开卷该州过去20年5场选举图,92克林顿趁经济低迷弱赢老布什,96在有小3搅局和经济起飞时,扩大城市和东南角优势. 00,04年小布的保守和国难让州变绯红. 奥氏在俄州要胜:1需保住Toledo到克利夫兰的粗蓝带;2要守住克林顿守不住的辛辛那提;3得在东南一隅有所斩获!老罗如能撕裂T镇右段,可胜.
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