【趣味词汇】这是本周要学的单词:ludicrous。读下面的句子,争取做第一个答对的同学吧: Everyone started to laugh because his answer to the question was ludicrous! a) Creative b) Ridiculous c) Complex d) Unexpected查看全文>>展开全文
中国学生经常读错的单词对比:1.wrong run 2.staff stuff 3.word world 4.alone along 5.own on 6.fund fond found 7.still steal 8.false force 9.fool full 10.thick sick。如果你也被这些词的读法所困扰,快来学学正确的发音吧!展开全文
#Bingo教你说美语#之中国学生经常读错的单词对比:1.wrong run 2.staff stuff 3.word world 4.alone along 5.own on 6.fund fond found 7.still steal 8.false force 9.fool full 10.thick sick 上面每组单词发音都不同,如果你读一样,说明你读错了。快看视频跟着Bingo跟读模仿吧!🔗 网页链接
【#微分享#你绝对不知道的最易发胖职业(图)】You might expect that being A chef puts you at the highest risk of putting on weight.New research has found that working as a teach or as an engineer puts you at greater risk of being overweight……双语详情:🔗 网页链接