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#200 years of LEED# 1821: Pavilion IX, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA . LEED NC Certified.Designed by Thomas Jefferson as part of the University of Virginia's iconic lawn, Pavilion IX is the only LEED certified building located within a UNESCO World Heritage Site.展开全文
#USGBC#【The next 20 years】3D Printing - The Start of a New Industrial Revolution! Enables the printing of sustainable construction materials.🔗 网页链接展开全文
#USGBC#【亚太地区会员大会】来自奥雅娜的Frederick Wong介绍上海世博集团的上海世博会城市最佳实践区(UBPA)项目,该项目刚刚荣获LEED ND铂金级预认证。Frederick Wong from Arup introduced project of UBPA of Shanghai Expo Group, which was recently pre-certed as LEED ND Platinum project.展开全文
#USGBC# The USGBC successfully held its first Asia-Pacific Members Meeting on June 27. This event has been made possible by our multi-year sponsors, Carrier and EMSI, gold level sponsor, Haworth and silver sponsor, CBRE. @海沃氏展开全文