Yes. The definition of happiness varied among different people. Happiness is not enough as a main tool to manage a big company, but it can be included in the company's culture.展开全文
Agree. Public spending on curious science is necessary, because it is a sign of human never satisfying with the current and wanting to know more. 逆水行舟,不进则退。展开全文
#FINA6282T1V16#The topic today has talked about the very complicated examples, refering to the earth, the stars, the archaeoastronomy, but the core concept is quite clear. Basically speaking, the main purpose is to tell the public that we cannot cut the budget
#FINA6282T1V4#:Ken Robinson advocated to educate children’s whole being in the talk. Because he thought schools nowadays are killing creativity. I must say it is true that t...文字版>> 🔗 网页链接 (新浪长微博>>展开全文
#FINA6282T1V2#:This talk raises an interesting idea: the bigger the market, the more incentive to innovate. Therefore, globalization is a win-win for all. I do agree that people h...文字版>> 🔗 网页链接 (新浪长微博>>展开全文