因为有了智慧,我们用好心、大心来看待这个世界,来包容这个世界,所以我们所生活的世界就是美好的,就会和谐。Since we have wisdom and treat this world with tolerance, this world is beautiful and harmonious.展开全文
吾乃平常人,但行平常事。培养平常心,做好平常事。I am an ordinary person, who is only able to do those common things. In order to do them well, I aim to cultivate an ordinary mind.展开全文
We are expected to save water, so as to help the thirsty people and moisten the thirsty fields. Since the mother earth needs our protection, we ought to be thrifty and conserve our own blessings.展开全文
生活就是修行。在生活中念念保持正念,以正念指导生活。Buddhist practice has never been divorced from life. Always keep the proper mind in life, and one’s life ought to be guided by the proper mind.展开全文
我们每天都要发好愿,愿我生生世世常随佛学、常随佛行,凡有正法的地方就有我,凡有我的地方就有正法。We ought to make a good vow every day, which is to follow the Buddha forever. Vow to always meet with the proper dharma and help it dwell in the world.展开全文