By the way, it might help to define who the “enemy” is in this verse. The “enemy” is almost always a friend, a colleague or a family member who has hurt me in some way. My enemy by definition will almost always be someone close to me. I don’t have any ene🔗 网页链接展开全文
王峙军牧师夫妇 🔗 网页链接 哈利路亚,我们昨天是以一整天的禁食祷告开始今年的Lent,一整天 我们集体 soul searching, it is so so great! 愿主亲自引导他的百姓 以 悔改,禁食,祷告 和 行善来预备自己迎接今年的复活节,再次领受耶稣基督复活的大能,哈利路亚!@冬飚2003@武汉的黄约伯展开全文 原微博
#Lent 复活节前的大斋期# This week we released a free ebook called Who Is That Man? We designed it as a Lenten devotional book, with readings and prayers for each day of Lent starting on February 13 and ending on Easter Sunday, March 31. @仁教心学@武汉的黄约伯@吴兵牧师@施玮展开全文 原微博