“沧浪之水清兮,可以濯吾缨。 沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯吾足。” “When the water is clear, I will wash the tassels of my hat, and when the water is muddy, I will wash my feet.” (@扬琴国手 投稿)展开全文
"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces that she never did care for pie." Happy Mother's Day 展开全文
1.举世闻名: world-famous 2.名不虚传: worthy of the name 3. 脍炙人口: universally appreciated 4.家喻户晓: widely known 5.不识泰山: fail to recognise a famous person 6.名不见经传: be a nobody, unknown 7.众所周知: as everyone knows 8.见称于世: be well known展开全文
Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction. 有些事情做起来比较难,比如说磨练自己去做一些肯定对又很重要的事,但是这是通往自豪,自我尊重和自我满足的捷径。撒切尔夫人展开全文
曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。 What you once had, you should never forget. What you can't have, you should treasure even more. What belongs to you, you should never give up and what you've lost you should keep as a memory.展开全文
[三字俗语1]应声虫:yes man, 狗腿子:henchman/thug, 眼中钉: a thorn in one's side, 地头蛇: local bully/boss, 老油条:smooth operator, 铁公鸡: skinflint, 门外汉: layman, 三脚猫: jack of all trades, 替罪羊: scapegoat, 下台阶: a way out, 黄粱梦: a pipe dream, 势利眼: self interested展开全文
[说人古怪] 1. He's not right in the head 2. He's got a screw loose 3. The lights aren't all on upstairs 4. He's not all there 5. He's a brick short of a load 6. He's a few cards short of a deck 7. He's a bit of a nutter/a bit nuts 8. He's off his rocker.展开全文
[补充]: Have one's finger in the pie 干预/管闲事, get one's fingers burned: 吃苦头/吃亏, put a finger on one's weak spot: 指出某人的弱点, have green fingers:园艺手艺, have sticky fingers:有偷窃的习惯, let slip through one's fingers:放过/错过, fingers itch to do sth: 手痒,展开全文
【finger习语说 】1)point the finger at someone 指责某人2)put one's finger on sth. 回忆起/分辨出 3)lay one's finger on sth查出/找到 (We haven't been able to lay a finger on those photos.我们还不能够找到那些图片) 4)keep one's fingers crossed 乞求某事成功5) is all thumbs 笨手笨脚的展开全文
十年前你是谁,一年前你是谁,甚至昨天你是谁,都不重要。重要的是,今天你是谁,以及明天你将成为谁。Who you were 10 years ago, a year ago, or even yesterday isn't important. What's important is who you are today, and who you'll be tomorrow.展开全文
有朋友问我"I don't bite"有啥用法。这是用于俩人要坐或站在一起,一人可对另一人说"I don't bite",意为"你可以凑过来啊,我不会咬你的"。也可加上"too much/hard"用于调情或玩笑,如: Why are you standing over there, I won't bite...much! (你干嘛离我那么远啊?过来呗,我不会咬你...太多!)展开全文