【外交部回应"中澳反腐合作":望共同打击贪腐】China welcomes Australian help in fighting against corruption, said the Chinese Foreign Ministry Mon. The confirmation comes after previous reports stated Australian police & China will work together to find fugitives & illegal assets.展开全文
【乌克兰总统签署乌克兰和欧盟准成员国协定】The Ukrainian President signed the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement on Tue, after Ukraine & EU ratified the economic & political parts of the deal. The two sides will strengthen cooperation on democracy, diplomacy & energy supplies.展开全文
【台湾2013代表字大选揭晓 “假”字高票当选】'Fake39; becomes ‘the word of the year’ in Taiwan due to a series of food scandals in 2013. The words 'black39; and 'poisonous39; came in 2nd and 3rd place, closely followed by 'chaos39; and 'lies39;.(图片自网络)查看全文>>展开全文
【有趣的数字】nought (英式) 常用于小数点前后,如 nought point two eight four 即0.284。nil(英式)指运动比赛中的0分,如Arsenal drew nil-nil with Liverpool.阿森纳与利物浦0比0踢和。zip(美式)如 They lost 3 to zip. 他们 0 比 3 败北。love 用于指网球比赛中的 0 分,如 forty-love 即40-0展开全文
【望文生义不可取】1. cost somebody an arm and a leg昂贵 2.there're plenty more fish in the sea天涯何处无芳草 3.egghead书呆子 4.you don't say 不会吧 5.what do you say你觉得怎么样 6.spill the beans泄露秘密 7.Uncle Sam美国政府展开全文 原微博
【广州白云区鹅掌坦发生爆炸 伤亡不详】An explosion has been reported in a storehouse in Baiyun district in south China’s Guangzhou city around Tuesday noon. The exact number of casualties is unclear. Police are investigating the incident. 展开全文
【中非服务贸易和投资论坛在京举行 旨在推进中非服务业合作】The China-Africa Investment Forum opened in Beijing today. The focus of the meeting is trade and investment cooperation in services between China and Africa. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【习近平:改革开放只有进行时没有完成时】The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee has called for more political courage and wisdom to deepen the country's reform. Xi said the opening up and reform policy is an ongoing job.展开全文
【Obama, Boehner speak, but no action on 'fiscal cliff'】The wealthy will account for more tax revenue, House Speaker John Boehner said Wednesday, while challenging President Barack Obama to sit down with him to hammer out a deal for avoiding the fiscal cliff.展开全文 原微博