“七夕”用英语怎么说? 七夕的正确英语:Chinese Saint Valentine's Day(简称为Chinese Valentine's Day)the Chinese Saint Valentine's Day was created in memory of two ancient lovers who were separated by a goddess and only allowed to meet once a year.七夕是为了纪念两位被天神分开的、每年只允许见面一次的恋人展开全文
【触及心底的柔软 绘本《有一天》】 Alison McGhee文字,Peter H. Reynolds插图的绘本Someday。It is amazing how such simple illustrations and words can convey such strong emotions.展开全文
#英语神翻译# 【一起来吐槽】追寻梦想Follow Your Heart,逗比却笑“怂”[右哼哼];明明是曼妙的Young Girls,中二却说东北大“秧歌”[左哼哼]……主页君真是太醉,不敢再爱了[拜拜]!又见英语神翻译,你还看过那些更加掉节操的神翻译呢?一起来吐槽!PS:看过笑笑就算了,学英语千万表Chinglish哦!展开全文
【实用口语短句】Everyone, line up! 全体都有,列队! | A: Could you open the bottle for me? B: Sure. Duck soup. | A:你能帮我开一下这个瓶子吗? B:当然。小菜一碟。| He talks big but can't produce anything. 他老说大话,其实什么也干不了。展开全文
【影视经典台词】Sometimes when people love each other very much they need time apart, so when they come back together their love is even stronger. 有时候两个人越相爱,越是需要独处的时间,那样当他们重新在一起的时候,他们的爱才会越深厚。—《无耻之徒》展开全文
【中分老7岁 右分年轻5岁?】《每日邮报》报道,发型很会影响年龄,往错的方向分头发会让我们看起来老好几岁(The wrong parting can make us look years older)。明星发型师Andrew Barton 展示了5种不同的发型设计带来的效果,大家来鉴定下↓↓[围观] 🔗 网页链接 你的发型是?展开全文
#萌图# 英国沃里克郡,7只从巢里掉下来的小猫头鹰被好心人送到野生动物保护中心。工作人员用《白雪公主》中七个小矮人的名字给它们命名:Dopey 迷糊鬼, Bashful 害羞鬼, Grumpy 爱生气, Doc 万事通, Sleepy 瞌睡虫, Sneezy 喷嚏精 和Happy 开心果~[爱你]“They and are living up to their names.”展开全文
#旅行图# Best food travel photos from around the world! 业余摄影师 Nick Mollberg 环游世界,除了享受旅行,还为自己旅途中品尝过的美味做了些记录,为这些食物拍出了很有趣的环球美食“自拍照” (food selfie )→🔗 网页链接 [馋嘴] 吃货走遍世界,你都认出是在哪拍的么?展开全文
【实用口语短句】No one can fill your shoes. 没人能胜任你的工作。| Let me see you out. 我送你出去吧。| Her childish behavior really get to me. 她幼稚的行为真让我很生气。| Something seems to be eating him. 他好像是在烦恼什么事。| Are you out of your mind? 你脑子进水了吗!展开全文
【表达爱意的英文#习语#】a match made in heaven 天生一对 to fall head over heels in love 爱得死心塌地 to be smitten with someone 被深深迷住 to be someone’s one and only 是某人的唯一 to have a crush on someone 喜欢上 to be a soul mate 灵魂伴侣 [心]例句戳→🔗 网页链接展开全文