96小作文柱表组合图,大作文The major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems. what are the problems that young people living in cities are facing with? Give solutions to these problems. #大作文是2010年8月14日原题。考完的童鞋请继续留一下听力和阅读回忆哈谢啦#展开全文 原微博
@luopuikei 来积人品。广外406 30岁左右的白人,面无表情,有时会打断 看到前面两个人评分都较低,莫非是传说中的低分杀手p1name,e-mail,big-small shops.p2 a shopping street p3 internet shopping 大概5 6个问题展开全文 原微博
@98姐要做个内心强大的妹子@人人网雅思哥 10:35 rm6川外。part1:flat or house,room,cooking part2 interesting country part3 international tourism: benefit disadvantage why;go aboard to study :why ;advantage disadvantage ;如果要选一个国家去学习选哪个 老头有点不耐烦笑了一次求人品啊!展开全文 原微博
@Ada说还是叫Ada好了@人人网雅思哥 哈尔滨黑大rm5,p1. work or study major plant. p2 season (看到熟悉的题激动了。。。没有看guidance....只答了喜欢的原因T^T是不是6分没戏了T^T)p3问了一大堆和季节有关的问题。。。。例如其他的人喜欢什么季节啥的。。展开全文 原微博