7月12日雅思写作题目:线图,关于搜索引擎(google,Yahoo...);大:some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while others argue that it is a good idea. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.展开全文 原微博
7月10日写作题目:Some countries achieve international success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?什么破题呀→_→展开全文 原微博
今天应该是最后一天熬夜看雅思啦,听着@郑仁强 的地图题福利,在大冬天的夜里听到录音里哗哗的下雨声,感觉好清爽呀~香港的面试很顺利估计用六级都能去了,所以真的很期望明天一睁眼可以查到六级过了的好消息,然后依然很期待雅思6.5,毕竟坚持了这么久。#2.22雅思加油啦# Good night [ali睡]展开全文 转发 1评论 31
8月24日雅思写作题目:柱状图,命中!大some people think we are more dependent and others think we are more independent. DG.强哥8月写作预测班第9题和原题差不多,答案完全命中!20、21、29、30等题部分素材也可稍作修改作答案使用!展开全文
6月15日雅思写作题目:柱图 , 医生和其他工人在七个国家里的年薪对比;有人认为parents have great influence on their children, 其他人则认为 the media is a bigger influence.讨论两个观点。如何改善?强哥6月预测班2、30直接命中原题答案,4、11、14、15题答案也能用! 展开全文
4月18日雅思写作题目:小作文是bar和table混合图。大:Some people think that it is acceptable to use animals in medical research for the benefit of human beings, while other people argue that it is wrong. DG. 强哥4月预测29题基本命中原题!展开全文
#4.14高分直播班补交作业#由于和助教沟通有误,昨天没给大家贴作业题,现在补上。 There are many diseases which if diagnosed early through proper screening tests can be treated very easily. 请用课上讲的方法,把这个主旨句扩展到60 words. @郑仁强作文评改 会为大家点评展开全文
#4.14高分直播班交作业#Some people say students should study in groups. Others argue students should be made to study alone. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.请写出这道题的开头,限60 words. @郑仁强作文评改 会为大家点评展开全文
4月13日雅思写作题目:柱图, fuel prices in 2 states in USA。大:Nowadays the population tend to live individually or in a small family unit. Why is the case? Effects?3.25期4月写作预测班第6题直接命中原题答案,4、9、26、27答案也可拼接使用!展开全文