Thank u Perry for a great evening! U r such an amazing and fun loving DoP! It was a pleasure meeting u! Looking forward to our next 5000 years session, haha @Perry-Ho @宇宙霹雳超级无敌熊 @Abby16888 @瞳色修竹 展开全文原微博 JKerry兰馨Director
"Rose on the rocks"... my latest creepy work of photo, make-up and hair watch here 🔗 网页链接 @宇宙霹雳超级无敌熊 @瞳色修竹 原微博 JKerry兰馨Director
We had an incredible creepy shooting. I did make up and a bit hair,too i loved this shooting of mine so much today!!! @宇宙霹雳超级无敌熊 原微博