errors corrected by southern weekly: "a typographical error, the erroneous numbering of the edition and a factual flaw that said flood control work by "Yu the Great" happened 2,000 years ago, instead of 4,000 years ago" hahaha! 展开全文原微博 LeeMack
evil dead 2+Men in Black+call of cthulu...cabin in the woods was okay! @Siennapc 原微博 LeeMack
oh this is good "Corruption throughout the machinery of stability maintenance means increasing numbers of people benefit from instability, or the growing 'empire of unaccountability'" 展开全文原微博 LeeMack
wikipedia blocked 原微博 LeeMack
bitcoin! great! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 LeeMack
zombie bees! @Siennapc 🔗 网页链接 原微博