最右 祝你好运[蜡烛] //@陈小豆努力挽回节CAO君: 开门查水表 //@Dyna奥特曼: @袁宝倔犟到一定要抱玫红色的大腿 神最右。。。//@姜大玮: 最右... //@琢磨先生: [蜡烛] //@戴林龙: →→●//@当官不为财请我都不来: 最右祝你好运。希望你明天还能更新微博[哈哈] //@谁允许你直视本蜀黍: 建国大业
I'm glad to receive ur appreciation.It will absolutely be a preferred choice for both of us.Come on,Andy!//@班长要减肥: For long-term strategy, free sample is feasible,I approve this process,pls go ahead,Jasmine //@魔都蜜制: 不deliver free sample, cost 太高
做Supplier chain的怎么能断料呢...进一步加强RM planning, control aged material进料勒... 今天某两位加塞参加偶procurement training 的童鞋,下周把你们的RUI training拿出来分享