California (9th largest economy in the world) state government is posting a budget surplus this year, in a decade. As a matter of fact, many U. S. States are posting surplus this year, showing the resilience of U. S. economy and the system's ability of self-recovery.展开全文 原微博
Therapy dogs brought in to comfort people in Newton, Conn. UIUC always uses therapy dogs to alleviate students' stress during final weeks. We owe animals a lot. 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
It is the cost of democracy and it is actually very good from the point of balance of power. You don't want either the liberal or the conservative to have all the power. //@周健工: 如果形成民主党人赢得总统,共和党人控制议会的局面,北京又笑了。 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Paul Ryan tried to scare and brainwash people by saying Obama threatens Judeo-Christian, Western civilization values. I am just so sick and tired of politicians trying to brainwash people with demagogue & labels. The gov. is not elected to rule people's spiritual life, ever!展开全文 原微博
@耗耗老爸李大卫 Romans 2:15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)展开全文 原微博
One object, two perspectives. How "truth" and "reality" play differently in our eyes and minds. //@耗耗老爸李大卫: //@贤枫-沙画: 陈丹青君说过:六十多年来我们接受了空前的愚民教育! //@仙小白: 小时候被洗脑 现在知道什么都是假的 //@公益人体模特: 展开全文
Hope this is not just American politicians making the talking points. We all need to respect with action not just words. The wars waged by the Americans around the world certainly caused many rifts that would be hard to repair.展开全文
We can pledge that whenever one person speaks out in ignorance and bigotry, ten voices will answer. They will answer resoundingly against the offense and the insult; answering ignorance with enlightenment; answering hatred with understanding; answering darkness with light. -HC转发 1评论 0
The Kowloon Boys Choir from Hong Kong performs Franz Biebl's arrangment of Ave Maria at Xavier University's Bellarmine Chapel. You won't disappoint to VPN the access...🔗 网页链接 simply divine.展开全文