1、When we go to seafood restaurants I tell them 'Just water for me, thanks.' --- Fish。2、I'm in desperate need of a 6 month vacation... twice a year;3、 Could you please be as silent as the G in lasagna?4、I'm sorry that I'm not updating my Facebook status, my cat ate my mouse展开全文 转发 15评论 1
1、When we go to seafood restaurants I tell them 'Just water for me, thanks.' --- Fish。2、I'm in desperate need of a 6 month vacation... twice a year;3、 Could you please be as silent as the G in lasagna?4、I'm sorry that I'm not updating my Facebook status, my cat ate my mouse展开全文 原微博
If the deep meaning of people’s morality behavior is to be dug too much, the superstructure will come tumbling down. 如果人们道德行为的深层含义被挖掘太多的话,上层建筑就会倒塌。展开全文 原微博
Jason (age 3) was watching his mom breast-feeding his new baby sister. After a while he asked, Mom, why do you have two? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?" Jason(3岁)看着他妈妈给新出生的妹妹母乳喂奶,过了一会他问,“妈妈,为什么你有两个?一个是热奶,一个是冷鲜奶吗?”展开全文 原微博
学习英语的好去处。Comedy Club China是一些在北京的外国人组织的单口喜剧俱乐部,时间:周日晚8点,周三晚9:30,大概1个半小时,可以去感受一下西方的脱口秀,全英文,锻炼听力,北京有这样的英语环境,尽量多参加。无需门票,可点一杯酒水。地点:热力猫俱乐部酒吧:安定门内大街方家胡同46号。展开全文 原微博
An organization is like a tree full of monkeys….all on different limbs... at different levels...some climbing up. The monkeys on the top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes. (中文见明天的评论)展开全文 原微博
看一词多意小幽默学单词。英语幽默确实小众,但如果想更好地融入英美文化,学点英语幽默确实管用,从简单学起吧。 1、When are people the smartest? --- When it's sunny, because everything's brighter then;2、What did one eye say to the other? --Between you and me, something smells. 展开全文
Mind这个词大家都认识,但是能不能学会像下面的句子那样幽默表达? 1)A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often;2)Your mind is on vacation, but your mouth is working overtime;3)Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.自己翻译加强记忆 展开全文
下面是一些好玩儿的一词多意。 1、Can April march? -- No. but August may. 2、Why can't you play jokes on snakes? ---Because you can never pull their legs. 3、When did the Irish potato change nationality? --When it became French fries.试着翻译一下 展开全文
这些一词多意产生的幽默小孩儿们应该喜欢,我们不少人学英语并没有接触过很多类似的幽默,现在补一补这一课。1、Will liars be honest after they die?---No, they don't. They lie still after they die. 2、Why are undertakers like true friends? ---They are the last ones to let you down. 展开全文
奥巴马幽默和励志语言。 1、If I had to name my greatest strength, I guess it would be my humility. Greatest weakness, it's possible that I'm a little too awesome. 2、It's like I was shot out of a cannon. I'm so overexposed that I make Paris Hilton look like a recluse. 展开全文
下面是一组关于英国人的幽默。和外国人聊天时,从这些幽默句子谈起,可以讨论各国人的性格。 If an Englishman gets run down by a truck, he apologizes to the truck是什么意思? 如果你学习没有动力,就想象成记住一个好句子,相当于赚了几百块钱,等你记住了几万个好句子,你就能兑现了 展开全文
解释幽默实在无趣儿,写幽默非常好玩儿。下面每一组幽默有一个是原版英语幽默,有一个是我的原创。 1、A guy goes in to see a psychologist. He says, "It seems I can't make any friends. Can you help me, you fat slob?" 2、You are not quite such a fool as you look. 每天学点儿,你会进步的
幽默思维不是直线,幽默的眼睛总是以不同视角或愉悦、或犀利地看这个世界。下面每组幽默有一句是原版,有一句是我的原创,看看能不能区分出来。 He is an honest fellow. He is faithful to his stupidity;He is an honest fellow, and will be faithful to any roguery that is trusted to him. 展开全文