若佛子,若自杀,教人杀,方便杀,赞叹杀,见作随喜,乃至咒杀。杀因、杀缘、杀法、杀业。乃至一切有命者,不得故杀。是菩萨应起常住慈悲心,孝顺心,方便救护一切众生。#阿弥陀佛# 原微博 柒亦然
他表示,因一部戏虐穆罕穆德先知的电影而引爆的各种暴行,将不会影响美国继续支持阿拉伯的民主运动。 He asserted that the flare-up of violence over a video that ridicules the Prophet Muhammad will not set off a retreat from his support of the Arab democracy movement. 展开全文转发 1评论 0 原微博 柒亦然
He asserted that the flare-up of violence over a video that ridicules the Prophet Muhammad will not set off a retreat from his support of the Arab democracy movement. 展开全文原微博