大家有linkedin的请帮我写写话点点技能吧〜!!!!! @ApoCa_Bill @杂烩饭小人 @贝爷_下午茶 原微博 漫漫徐学术
那么有意境的表情我会说是在飞机上无聊自拍表现出来的嘛?!!!我们要去报名竹联帮吗? #Weico+#@杂烩饭小人 原微博 漫漫徐学术
Got the postcard from my hon @Luna变成小超人 ! Miss you too my girl! Sometimes I felt lonely when I walking through BU and missed those lunch time spent with u! But, I believe we will have a good time in SH during summer time!!!!! Wish u all good in London! Miss U^3^ 展开全文原微博