肖邦名言:但愿一生不尝平庸滋味。一直觉得这句话好坑爹,找来上下文:The people here are not mine, good people, but good out of habit, they do everything too orderly – insipidly – in mediocrity, which kills me. – Mediocrity I would not even like to feel. #平凡和平庸#?@木屐1006展开全文 原微博
分享 李云迪 的歌曲《Piano Concerto No.2 in G minor, Op.16 - 3. Intermezzo (Allegro moderato)》:听普二脑子里总会自动配上这个展的画面----> I am not me, the horse is not mine. 🔗 网页链接 http://t.cn/zYNKilA(分享自 @虾米音乐)展开全文