Everybody cheats, But u gotta know how, u gotta know when, U gotta know why. My infatuation with u is takin me on an emotional high. I'm caught all up in this love affair baby, speculation will bring us stares. All my friends are askin me about it, Still the truth I can't reveal.展开全文
in LA, it's not about how much $ u got, it's all bout access. it's about how many parties u're on the list, how many celebs u know, and how much drama u caused caught people's attention. peace out party people n drama queens. just another friday in LA, hollywood likes it hot. :)展开全文
Just one night full of sin, Feel the pain on your skin, tough, I don't scream mercy, It's your time to hurt me... If I'm bad tie me down, Shut me up, gag and bound me. Cos the pain is my pleasure, Nothing comes better... 这段歌词简直就是我的心声...#S&M##Britney Spears##Rihanna#展开全文
昨天,三藩的公共场合禁裸法案通过了,2013年2月1日生效,那之后在三藩大街上裸体就是违法了,但此法令对那些大型活动无效(pride, folsom, dore, bay to breakers etc.)满大街的裸体再也不能成为三藩的一道“风景线”了。天体主义们快protest起来!所以baker beach再也不能裸了?展开全文 原微博
"drugs do not ruin ur career, drug tests do." "if ur age is on the clock, u're too young for cock." "52% of women fake orgasm. 100% of men don't give a shit." "it's only illegal if u get caught." "avoid hangovers, stay drunk." --Ted @先生泰-很贪食@BBkame 太有才了展开全文 原微博