【视频:美国总统奥巴马祝爸爸们#父亲节快乐#】President Obama Wishes Dads a Happy Father's Day! 🔗 网页链接 What we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us. 我们所给予父亲的,永远比不上父亲给予我们的。~~~ 致辞全文:🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
我明知他们block Google是不对的,却没有勇气protest捍卫freedom。英语里有个词用来形容我最恰当了:coward / kaw d/ someone who is too afraid to do what is right or expected,someone who is not at all brave or courageous ~ 我有一个梦,梦见自己有一颗勇敢的心,敢对一切不公说不。展开全文 原微博
一句话测试你的英语水平:The only time the word incorrectly isn't spelled incorrectly is when it's spelled incorrectly. 秒懂:TEM8+;三遍懂:CET6+;五遍懂:CET4+;N遍过后似懂非懂:不是英语水平有问题,而是智商有问题。展开全文 原微博
【涨姿势:到底谁是Yankee?】In the rest of the world, a "Yankee" is an American. In America, a "Yankee" is a Northerner. In the North, a "Yankee" is a New Englander. In New England, a "Yankee" is a Vermonter. And in Vermont, a "Yankee" is someone who eats pie for breakfast. 展开全文 原微博
这图钉!哈哈哈哈哈 The end of the thumbtack is plastic, and the metal piece is in the base. 【学个词】thumbtack /ˈθʌmˌtæk/ - noun.[C] 图钉 ~ 其中thumb是拇指的意思,tack是大头针的意思,所以thumbtack其实是个会意字。~~~ 作业:试列举下你知道的这类英语会意字。展开全文
【看图学英语】Beijing Cop Handcuffs Himself To Suicidal Woman On Ledge To Save Her Life. 北京警察哥用手铐铐住自己救下轻生女。词汇讲解:handcuff - verb. /ˈhændˌkʌf/ 戴手铐。Handcuff做名词时要用复数形式。Police put handcuffs on Qin Huohuo. 警察给秦火火戴上了手铐。@平安北京展开全文
【学个词】tattoo /tæˈtu:/ n. 纹身 ~~~ Justin got a new tattoo of Chinese word on his chest. He believes the word means "to follow your heart". That's why he chooses it. 贾斯汀在胸前弄了个新汉字纹身。之所以纹这个字,是因为他觉得这个字的意思是 follow your heart(追随内心)。展开全文
回复@北影门卫赵大宝: 写推荐信的潜规则:我写好交您御览,如果您觉得okay,签上您的大名就成。顺便教你大家【怎么用英语说签上你的大名】话说美国有个著名人物John Hancock,他参与签署了美国独立宣言。他的名字签的比所有人都大。后来put your John Hancock就变成签名的意思。 //@北影门卫赵大宝: 不会展开全文
CNN网站头条突发新闻: Head of Malaysian civil aviation department discounts reports a plane door has been found. 马来西亚民航部长否认找到飞机残骸的报道。~学个词:discount - verb. to believe that (something, such as information, a rumor, etc.) is not worth serious attention展开全文