终于第一次看到了舞台上的吴越。和排练相比她的张力大了许多,看来演员还是属于舞台的。在这里有痛苦,有挣扎,有梦想,有我需要的一切。因为这里有青春。话剧《我的妹妹,安娜》首轮演出于下周日结束,有想去看的同学请私信我,还有几张票可以送。自己买票去的更好。谢谢捧场。come on, take a seat.展开全文
spring retreats, summer intrudes, autumn lingers. why does everything have to go on. evening withdraws, night trespasses, morning stalls. why does everything have to go on. the breeze is warmer, the air is chunkier, and days are longer. why does everything展开全文
灰色的水泥是永恒的诗篇。法国建筑师Christian de Portzamparc在Rio的文化音乐中心Cidade das Artes也是巴西交响乐团的总部于年初开放,包括一个1800人的爱乐厅,一个500人的室内乐厅,电影院,画廊等。曲线的灵感来自于附近的山峦,在10米高的顶层可以看到大海。还是盼望我们能也有一个漂亮的音乐厅。展开全文
and now, again, the winter is edging closer with the passing of every single second. welcome back, the gale from the north. welcome back, the rise of orion. welcome back, the evaporation of the smoke. the sun will be milder, the candle will be brighter. hey, being cold is nice.展开全文
serpentine gallery pavilion 2013 by sou fujimoto. this pure and light structure blurring inside and outside, reality and dream, grass and sky. it is a shallow castle, a concrete illusion.展开全文
battersea power station by the grandson of architect of st pancras renaissance hotel, sir giles gilbert scott, also the built the power station now housing tate modern and red telephone box. anyone loves pink floyd loves it. every time i look at it i picture a pig flying above.展开全文
shall we just grow old numbly like a piece of plastic or shall we die young. shall we just let the gravity rule everything or shall we die young. shall we just sit there and count what this fucking life has been robbing from me or shall we die young. why don't we just, die young.展开全文