回复@果果摘星: Thank you very much! //@果果摘星: 附简要书名:The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics; The Curator's Egg; What Is Contemporary Art?; Thinking Contemporary Curating; Inside the White Cube: The Ideology of the Gallery Space 感谢!!展开全文
非常感谢!《黑皮书》北京,第三辑“灰皮书”访谈/朱发东,艺术家仅仅是一个媒介/1997。I think art is a property of the minority of 'capitalists': art should not be limited in its own circle. Art should be 'accepted' and owned by the common people. Art is also a kind of everyday commo展开全文
请译者@大越儿Mona 英文简历发我一份,包括提供你翻译过的作品,作者需要,他说“I'm worried because the texts are very complex. it's not enough to have a good translator, but one who is familiar with the theoretical terminology." 翻译过程中有任何问题,跟我联系,可帮助联系作者。展开全文 原微博