Don't be afraid to take credit and don’t be so unobtrusive that you blend into the furniture. An hour at the firm's Friday cocktail party is worth two holed up in your office. [5 Rules Every New Associate Must Know (But No One Will Tell You)] 🔗 网页链接 展开全文原微博 August_Rivers
明信片收悉,话语谨记于心!!@C面面 @希林度 原微博 August_Rivers
再次恭喜亲弟弟@希林度 和弟妹@C面面 新婚快乐!这个婚礼毕生难忘啊!明日赴南半球的honeymoon好好hapiiiiiii!! 原微博 哼哼亨利何
The government has no power to control mere advocacy of lawless and violent behavior. A person may utter unpatriotic, disrespectful, or offensive slurs against the government and may counsel itsoverthrowby forth. 这么野蛮我真是读的内牛满面啊。。。 展开全文原微博