iRoot SP sealer,充填扁根管(冷侧压与连续波),再治疗时剩余的充填物。《Efficacy of ProTaper Universal Rotary Retreatment System for Gutta-percha Removal from Oval Root Canals: A Micro–Computed Tomography Study》展开全文
Kim S, Pecora G, Rubinstein R, Dorscher-Kim J: Color Atlas of Microsurgery in Endodontics, Philadelphia, 2001, WB Saunders.Kim团队提出的“根管狭区”分类。@宾大国际根管培训展开全文
@endo苑士良: 有文献称:恒磨牙侧副根管发生率79%。《Dammaschke T, Witt M, Ott K, Scha¨ fer E. Scanning electron microscopic investigation of incidence, location, and size of accessory foramina in primary and permanent molars. Quintessence Int 2004;35:699–705.》展开全文
MTA修补以后,材料只是很快干了,而不是固化。所以,要用湿棉球封几天,检查硬度以后再下一步操作!A disadvantage is the prolonged setting time that requires two appointments to complete root canal therapy with permanent sealing. The cost of this material is substantial.展开全文