[汗][汗][汗][汗] //@叫兽易小星: #他们竟然在一起#哈哈哈大头钢铁侠萌爆了! 原微博 会用念力的月神落
美国如同饮鸠止渴,不停的掠夺来维系地位,仇恨则不停的种下,实在无法想象大厦倒下那天 //@筑之南: Obama,whether the chemical weapon be used is not important, because Losers are always in the wrong,you can fight,you can kill,but you will never change the truth that USA is warmonger! 展开全文Obama:"Our security and our values demand that we cannot turn away from the massacre of countless civilians with chemical weapons...Today, I am asking Congress to send a message to the world that we are ready to move forward together as one nation." 展开全文转发 297评论 264 原微博