Just to pathetic for this, don't know how to comment on it. It is beyond what our power can do. Even if all GZers object to this, do you think they will let go? I am afraid not. [怒][怒][怒] //@人已就座: 这个国家还有救吗?展开全文
Shoot him, kill him, make his living like hell, cut his penis, smash it!!!![怒][怒][怒][怒][怒][怒][怒] //@品位生活bonnie: 衣冠禽兽[怒]建议恢复宫刑[抓狂] //@dividqiu: 我们的犯罪官员那个不是又红又专的。 //@大笑易笑: 凭什么?求背景。。。展开全文
If our head kneeled down? Then it's time the big community surrender time lol! I know u know what I mean! //@youless: 一句国情不同就可以忽悠过去[鄙视] //@上网民工: 已阅 //@禅宗七祖: 不是发了人权白皮书,说咱进步很大嘛。官员下跪道歉,这是邪路,不能搞,也不能讲。 //@王克勤: //@谷凯: 展开全文
4G LTE i guess it's never going to happen in China at least for 2 years. Still turtle speed now for everything, at least internet really sucks!!!!!!!!展开全文