国外友人说你们中国政府害怕陈光陈乱说话所以如果chen回国就要被杀了,我听了狂笑,他们都有点觉得我不礼貌,我说你以为我们政府怕他乱说?chen is Nobody。我虽然同情chen,但zf怕陈光陈?笑死我了,县长都不怕他哈哈。最后我说如果你想做政府的敌人,be a famous one,然后再做官哈哈,对方无语展开全文 原微博
舍友期末考试结束了,好人呐。I did some cleaning in the kitchen, and I would appreciate it if the kitchen and living room areas are clean when I get back. I have two oranges on the top shelf of the fridge. Please eat them if you like or they will go bad!展开全文 原微博