Finally we found the root cause. The problem is eng PAB has the dependency on write-read ordering when the address is overlapped, such as wr@1 followed by rd@0, this causes the ordering placed in DICKENS, while eng expect the readout, this causes the deadlock.展开全文 原微博
昨天参加了pp学校的Award ceremony,pp拿下award,而且应该是他们team第一了,呵呵。pp的两位好友也都获得awards, Emily won a couple because of her hardwork in the band & Jazz band. pp wants to join the Jazz band next school year. See if she can make it. pp won her 1st single on Sunday.展开全文 原微博
A pressure cooker stuffed with gunpowder and shrapnel caused at least one of the blasts at the Boston Marathon that killed three people and injured 176 others in the worst attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001, law enforcement sources said on Tuesday.展开全文 原微博
要考虑529了🔗 网页链接 可能与加拿大的RESP类似,不过加拿大政府给钱,米政府不给。昨天同事说从孩子出生,每月放1K to 529 plan, 孩子18岁时基本能付孩子学费了。但是,如果一家好几个孩子,那就要破产了。谁让他们养嘎许多孩子,哼哼!吐槽的Suzy Lee Weiss,她家四个娃,当然不容易咯。展开全文 原微博
周末不是我一个人在战斗,Joe M., Joe H., Mike M.当然还有老板Bill都在折腾,都为了CPU endians。Murali见到我就开玩笑说,you must have a long weekend, huh? Joe M.说源于上周五跟software team review,raises the issue! 俺们硬件的最恨软件的不说清楚, 幸好tapeout之前发现,netlist ECO!!!展开全文 原微博