help find Tobi! 原微博 nihaopaul
@新车间 @叶琛Ricky @DFRobot @lumi3005 @微笑的Rockets - meet df smash on Sunday.. 2pm at shanghai library we are light and fast! 原微博 nihaopaul
thanks to @微笑的Rockets for the yeelight donation to @新车间 原微博 nihaopaul
nope, he didn't release anything//@stanleyhuangyc: Isn't it released under public domain? //@MikaLin: i have not idea about this。。。。//@nihaopaul: Hey @MikaLin . I didn't know you took your heart project commercial with dfrobot //@DFRobot: 展开全文原微博 nihaopaul
@Rex陈正翔 setup for #mind+# at @新车间 原微博 nihaopaul
@Rex陈正翔 teaching mind+ at @新车间 today. 原微博 nihaopaul
@Rex陈正翔 making little girls happy! @李大维 @新车间 原微博 nihaopaul
He he Lio teaching "how to make dos" using arduino at @新车间 @Lio李欧 @MikaLin @EdwardRF 原微博 nihaopaul
@Sun_人生没有Restart coffee time 我在:延庆路 原微博 nihaopaul
我在与@kc501 的等级较量中,以165.9个活跃天的优势完胜!想战胜我,来试试看吧🔗 网页链接 原微博 nihaopaul
@微笑的Rockets I hope you have your car ready to race 我在:🔗 网页链接 原微博 nihaopaul
@kc501 ready for war in Syria! 原微博 nihaopaul
@Lio李欧 @kc501 friday in the space? kill 2 birds with 1 stone 原微博 nihaopaul
@Lio李欧 @kc501 @lenny-gay-boy together 原微博 nihaopaul
@kc501 in his Halloween outfit 原微博 nihaopaul
@Lio李欧 @kc501 testing the distributed intercom system @新车间 原微博 nihaopaul
@kc501 awesome.. 原微博 nihaopaul
@微笑的Rockets @新车间 #fuck-hashtags-barcampsh# robot wars.. the ultimate "fuck" them up game 原微博 nihaopaul
@aGuegu at @新车间 with 512 leds charlieplexed 原微博 nihaopaul
I wants to be flown @叶琛Ricky @新车间 原微博 nihaopaul
@kc501 kevin about to rock it. As a cowboy 原微博